having been involved in Ving Tsun kung fu for more than 40 years, Sifu Buick Yip
is an outstanding calligrapher and artist. His attention to detail and keen
ability to recognize the true nature of Ving Tsun in his art and Ving Tsun
products sets him apart from the norm. I am very selective of what art I buy for
my school and products used. Sifu Buick Yip has provided me much joy over the
years with his products and art. In my opinion, you just can’t go wrong with
Sifu Buick Yip."
- Darrell
President and Founder, World Ving Tsun Athletic Assn. |
Dear Wing Chun Practitioner,
Have you ever tried to find a good long
pole, wooden dummy, or pair of butterfly swords and found the task near
impossible? Have you ever wanted a piece of Wing Chun artwork from
your home or school that was unique and not in every other school out
there? If so, then look no further, because these are the things
that Buick Yip specializes in.
True Dedication to the Art
Buick Yip is one of the old time Wing
Chun students from Hong Kong (he has been involved for more than 50
years - before the rest of the world even knew about the art). He
is a master craftsman who is now concentrating on creating beautiful and
unique Wing Chun products as a way of living. He work is
top-notch, unique, and many of his items are rare collectables.
Some of you might have heard of the VTAA
(Ving Tsun Athletic Association) Conference that was first held in 1997
(and the second in Nov 2005). What you might not know is that
Buick Yip is the one the coordinated that momentous event.
To this day Buick Yip still practices his
Wing Chun. As with the coordination of the VTAA conferences, his
contributions to the art of Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) and numerous, and
largely unknown except to the circle of people he communicates with
regularly, such as Master Chu Shong Tin, Ip Chun, and many other masters
of the art. He is truly dedicated to his art, and it is an honor
that he would share his artwork with us.
Only the Highest Quality
I can't tell you how many Sifus have
contacted me looking to get in touch with Buick. His work is very
highly sought after. These are masters of the art wanting Buick's
products, and it is not uncommon for them to buy 5-10 dummies and 20
long poles at a time. And usually by the time the products arrive
they've already been sold to students or have places awaiting them
in a Sifu's home or school.
Even though Buick may produce more than
one of the same item, they are all unique and special. For
example, instead of just writing "Wing Chun Fist Art" on a bunch of
scrolls and selling them "mass-market" he takes his time with each one,
doing deep breathing exercises between each stroke, and producing only
the highest quality pieces of art. Calligraphy is an art form unto
itself, and Buick takes pride in giving you something that will be a
cherished part of your collection forever.
So please browse through his products and
order your piece of Wing Chun history today. Many of the scrolls
and artworks are only offered for a limited time. The dummies are
some of the rarest in the world and hard to produce. When the
materials run out there will be no more. So order them now while
you still can! I personally try to have at least 1 of everything
Buick makes, and proudly display his work, and I hope you will too.

Aaron Cantrell
Founder of the Everything Wing Chun, Wing Chun University, Wing Chun Videos Instant Access, eWingChun, Wing Chun Archive, Wing Chun Fight Club, & Wing Chun Pedia
P.S. - There is currently a VERY HIGH
demand for his work, so the sooner you place your order the better.
P.P.S If you want to learn more about Wing Chun wooden dummies we suggest you check out WingChunGeeks.com for their indepth dummy guide.